Come have a ball at Dufferin!

Important Notice to Former Members and Club Supporters!

Due to the unsustainable and prohibitive cost of court rental fees being charged by the City of Brantford for a not-for-profit organization to use the courts, the Dufferin Club of Brantford Board of Directors has made the difficult decision not to offer tennis and pickleball programming for the 2024 outdoor season.

For those interested, lessons and organized programs are being offered by the Pickleball Brantford Club and the Stefanovic Tennis Academy.

It is uncertain at this time if the Dufferin Club will offer programs again starting in 2025. For this to happen, we need your help! The board would like to put out a call to all our former members for possible new board members or volunteers who can help shape the future of the club in this new era. If you would like to be involved in this, please contact Karen Jackson at 519-754-3817 or

The Dufferin Club of Brantford is a non-profit organization that provides outdoor supervision and training in tennis, pickleball and lawn bowling for people of all ages in a friendly playing environment by a group of volunteers.

The park, owned and maintained by the City of Brantford, includes a building, six illuminated tennis courts and six pickleball courts. 

The park is open to the public - everyone is welcome!

Lawn Bowl

Go Lawn Bowl!

    Lawn bowling is a strategic, challenging and fun sport. It is a low impact game accessible for any age and skill level.

Dufferin offers weekly round robins, jitneys and tournaments throughout the season.

Tennis Anyone?

Tennis is a exhilarating racquet sport that is easy to learn no matter what your age.

Dufferin has something for everyone in the entire family from weekly round robins, leagues, tournaments and junior camps.

Pickleball Rocks!

Pickleball is a lively racquet game for all ages and abilities.
The sport combines elements
of tennis, badminton and ping-pong.


Quick Links

Facility Hours

The courts are expected to open July 10 and be open through to October 31.

Courts will be open from
8:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Courts not booked in advance, available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Dufferin Park
164 St. Paul Avenue
Brantford, Ontario